Refund Policy
Goods Return Policy-Items Eligible for Return -Refund Policy
Items must meet one or more of the following criteria to be eligible for return. If so, please call or send us a mail to our customer service department as the first step to start the return process.
- Quality deficiencies: There are deficiencies in design, specifications, material, manufacturing, or workmanship.
- Product recall: The product has a recall notice.
- Please note: They must be returned by the deadline date on the recall notice.
- Customer ordering error: You received the wrong item and/or an incorrect quantity.
- Shipping or order processing errors: You received the wrong item, an incorrect quantity, or a duplicate shipment.
- Product damaged or had concealed damage: The damaged items must be returned within one (01) business days upon receipt of the goods.
- Condition for the Return Goods
- stock Must be in the original, unopened packaging
- Medicine item can be returned if the order product was wrong item or Damaged or Price Mark Price Differences and all medicine for the above error to be conveyed to our customer service Division or by email. And will send us a reply in this regard.
- Must not be damaged, considered either a hazardous material or a controlled substance, or require refrigeration.
Return Instructions
Please call our Hot Line or email our customer service department before initiating a refund, customer should have to contact our dedicated customer hotline. Our friendly and knowledgeable customer support team is available to assist you with any question or concern that they have, and will guide through they refund process, and to start the return process customer must inform within five (1) business days upon order or receipt of the goods— or by the deadline date on the recall notice if item has to been recalled.
Our Team is responsible for evaluating and authorizing product returns. Once our team has authorized the return, a return authorization form is e-mailed to the customer. The information populated on the form relates specifically to your initial request.
Customers are responsible for returning items within the timeframe stated on the Return Goods Form. All credits will be issued at the current Invoiced price.
Please Provide Necessary information to process refund efficiently, customer should have ready to provide the following information when they call to our customer hotline or Email.
You’re Order Number our Invoice Number
Detail of the Prescription or reference Number
Reason for the Refund Request